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Photo Gallery category "Valleys - Coroico"
Yungas valley - The death road
The pass before descending into the Yungas (Photo N.Brachet,2005)
Mururata seen from the Yungas Road (Photo N.Brachet,2005)
Tourists gathering near laguna Estrellani, before cycling down to the Yungas (Photo N.Brachet,2005)
Statue of Christ overlooking the Yungas (Photo N.Brachet,2005)
Challa at the foot of the statue of Christ (Photo N.Brachet,2005)
Challa on the mountain pass (Photo N.Brachet,2005)
Beginning the descent to the Yungas (Photo N.Brachet,2005)
A piece of bread to the dogs, as a good omen (Photo N.Brachet,2005)
Checkpoint before starting the long descent (Photo N.Brachet,2005)
Old unpaved road: keep left! (Photo N.Brachet,2005)
Old unpaved road in the Yungas (Photo N.Brachet,2005)
New paved road in the Yungas (Photo N.Brachet,2005)
Old unpaved road in the Yungas (Photo N.Brachet,2005)
Old unpaved road in the Yungas (Photo N.Brachet,2005)
Give way to oncoming vehicles that are going up (Photo N.Brachet,2005)
Tight turn at the edge of the precipice (Photo N.Brachet,2005)
Truck painfully carrying up its load to La Paz (Photo N.Brachet,2005)
A festive day at Yolosa checkpoint (Photo N.Brachet,2005)
Procession of the inhabitants of Yolosa (Photo N.Brachet,2005)
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