Ingredients (Serves 4 people)

  • 1 1/2 kilos of chicken
  • 2 spoonfuls of soy sauce
  • 4 spoonfuls of maïzena
  • 2 large cloves of garlic
  • 2 eggs
  • Salt and pepper
  • A little of finely chopped parsley


Cut the chicken into medium-sized pieces (e.g. half leg, half wing ...).

Beat the eggs while adding the soy sauce and parsley.

Dilute some maïzena with a little but of cold water and continue to beat the mixture while adding some finely-chopped garlic.

Season the pieces of chicken with salt and pepper, before laying them to soak in the egg preparation.

Leave the chicken soaking for 1 hour in the fridge.

Fry the chicken in boiling oil until it is a golden-brown color.

Serve with rice, french fries or salad.